Thursday, July 13, 2006

What do you do?

It was in May that I had been to Niagara falls with some of my buddies from B'lore. It was a fun filled trip. We had sufficient time to visit all the attraction at the falls. Both maid of the mist and cave of the winds tours were amazing. There is this casino, Casino Niagara. It was my first visit to a casino. Like everybody else, I was bought into by the act of the rhythmic water fountains, that dance to no music but to Silence (well conceived pattern). The bright colorful lights and the darkness one has to create to control the light were amazing. After your eyes, its the turn of your ears to enjoy the experience. The music, the electronic hymns from the slot machines. One can never miss them. And finally the old people at the slot machines. Some of them occupy two machines at a time and keep playing. They have these prepaid plastic cards chained wound their necks. They play with no emotions, but for the sake of playing. Its like a routine for them; they in fact use buttons and not the levers to play. Seeing them was looking at a clockwork orange (thanks to Stanly Kubrick). Seriously, is there nothing better for them to do rather than bust their money at the casino. I was completely puzzled. I asked my friend as to why they were wasting their hard earned money at this old age. He said that they keep some part of their money for gambling alone. Is this why they saved up? Its a pass-time!!!! Its recreation for them.
Then I realized that every person has a way to let out his or her frustration (pass time). Now a days I spend my pass-time in front of the comp, reading blogs, going through bbc, listening to NPR. Imagine what if I get bored by these...I might do something else. Some others go down to their back yard and shoot. While others take a long drive. There are those who read books and others who practice music. You can find a bunch of them at the gym every day. Its routine. Like my question to you...
What do you do?


At 9:35 PM, Blogger Shruthi said...

Fight with your friend, of course! Muhahahha!! :D
Anyway, seriously - I get lost in a book, or I go for a walk. That works for me!

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Bhargav said...

Fight with my friend, that I did not expect. I guess, retrieving into solitude is what more or less everyone does. One might be physically present amongst others, but mentally one is alone. Like blocking off all wireless communications!!

At 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all the seniors you see, might actually be there hoping to make some dough!! have seen this at other casinos, generally they are filled with aged people! remember going to one which was filled with seniors from south east asian countries


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