Political view - do you have a problem?
The time now is for searching jobs, writing thesis and finish whatever work that is remaining. This is the first time I’m searching for a job earnestly. I worked on my resume to put in the correct words and make it readable. This was my contribution. You must be wondering what I mean by my contribution to my own resume? Well, let me tell you. My roommate helped me with the style and formatting of my resume. Its really nice to look at. Many employers at the career fair were impressed at the first look of my resume. Thanks to my roommate.
Well the contents are not very different from what one can find in a resume. It has an objective, educational degrees obtained, computer skills, brief employment record chronologically presented, research papers and finally the tidbits. What are tidbits again? These are thing that are given at the end under ‘other activities’. I included playing squash and running, playing mridangam. I also put in that I’m a big National Public Radio (NPR) junkie. Everybody knows that these are for breaking the ice between you and the person reading the resume. One has to be careful while putting things there. I was made aware of this only today by my career counselor. Did you guys know that NPR is a liberal network? I hadn’t realized this earlier. This, people, is a political orientation expressed in my resume which I wasn’t aware of. To tell you the truth, I wasn't making my political views public. Its sad one brands networks and papers having a political view. These are supposed to give you unbiased information and provide with unbiased discussion. I think NPR gives me that; plain and simple.
If this is going to cause any problems with me finding a job, then I tell you it will also help me find a job, right? Only time can tell this. I have an interview coming up next week and this company is supposed to be a ‘conservative company’. I’ll let you guys know if something political comes up during the interview!