Chicken or egg conundrum - extended
Did we hear about alpha releases and beta releases when we grew up? Now a days every kid knows what an alpha or a beta release is. Thanks to software industry. Every other manufacturing industry has been having pre-releases before the launch of the actual product. It’s only that the household consumer, like me and you, was not directly involved with testing those releases and hence didn’t realize their existence.
For example, engine companies do pre-releases. Their consumers, namely the OEM’s, do the testing. Hardware companies do pre-releases and their consumers, other industries, test it out. The book and newspaper industries also have pre-releases. The publisher and editors do the reading and make it fit for final release. Even industries like food and medicine companies, that directly affect the household consumer, have pre-releases. However, they are tested by select group or base of consumers – again do not involve everybody.
It is completely different with software releases. The important aspect here is the reach of these pre-releases to all the consumers. The consumers are not some select group. It is a growing community of the young and the old, the shy and the outgoing personalities, men and women etc. If I’m using an application, all I have to do is visit the website of the manufacturer and check for new releases. I check it out and spread the word. The internet and software industry have brought the manufacturing process close to the common man. My 6 year old sister knows when there is a beta release of the Firefox browser – thanks to the update messages she keeps seeing on the screen.
By the way, this is the only release of the article! Do not google for any beta or alpha releases.
Labels: Software
Labels: Silly Ads
That really was a long sabbatical and I'm glad that I'm back here. It's a little difficult to sit and complete a blog with all the distractions accumulated over the past couple of months. Like any good citizen in this land of consumerism, I was lured to the offers that were given out during this year's super bowl. This is today's topic.