Nightmare of loosing your source code
This is my second post and from now on you will find my blogs with a title attached to it. It was a very busy week, with good amount of research and TAing done. Believe me, the Monday after spending the entire weekend with your classmate from school, will really be hectic. After the weekend, I came back to find a huge pile of homework sitting in my mail-box, to be corrected. Well, I managed to correct them during my office hours.
Today I got some positive results in my research and felt really satisfied. I work on linux platform and use ‘nedit’ as the editor to type in my FORTRAN codes. To my horror, I absent mindedly deleted the source code. "rm *.f90"!! Man...for a moment though, I thought I had lost it. Fortunately for me, I had all the editor windows still open. All I needed to do was go to each one of them and then save them again. All the files were retrieved and a very horrible weekend averted. The funny part is that all this happened, just a couple of minutes after my Professor asked me to make backups all the files. He asks me to make backups and I go and delete the source codes.